4n: Virtualization


Nock subject to unit

Accepts a nock subject-formula cell and wraps it into a unit. fol is pure nock, meaning that nock 11 operations result in a block, producing a ~.


sub is a subject noun.

fol is a formula noun, which is generally a nock.


The unit of a noun.


++ mack
|= [sub=* fol=*]
^- (unit)
=/ ton (mink [sub fol] |~(^ ~))
?.(?=(%0 -.ton) ~ `product.ton)


> (mack [[1 2 3] [0 1]])
[~ [1 2 3]]
> (mack [41 4 0 1])
[~ 42]
> (mack [4 0 4])
> (mack [[[0 2] [1 3]] 4 4 4 4 0 5])
[~ 6]
> ;;((unit @tas) (mack [[1 %yes %no] 6 [0 2] [0 6] 0 7]))
[~ %no]


Mock interpreter

Bottom-level mock (virtual nock) interpreter. Produces a tone, a nock computation result. If nock 12 is invoked, scry computes on the subject and produces a (unit (unit)) result. An empty result becomes a %1 tone, indicating a block.


subject is the subject as a noun.

formula is the formula as a noun.

scry is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 12.


A tone.


++ mink !.
~/ %mink
|= $: [subject=* formula=*]
scry=$-(^ (unit (unit)))
=| trace=(list [@ta *])
|^ ^- tone
?+ formula [%2 trace]
[^ *]
=/ head $(formula -.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.head) head
=/ tail $(formula +.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.tail) tail
[%0 product.head product.tail]
[%0 axis=@]
=/ part (frag axis.formula subject)
?~ part [%2 trace]
[%0 u.part]
[%1 constant=*]
[%0 constant.formula]
[%2 subject=* formula=*]
=/ subject $(formula subject.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.subject) subject
=/ formula $(formula formula.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.formula) formula
%= $
subject product.subject
formula product.formula
[%3 argument=*]
=/ argument $(formula argument.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.argument) argument
[%0 .?(product.argument)]
[%4 argument=*]
=/ argument $(formula argument.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.argument) argument
?^ product.argument [%2 trace]
[%0 .+(product.argument)]
[%5 a=* b=*]
=/ a $(formula a.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.a) a
=/ b $(formula b.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.b) b
[%0 =(product.a product.b)]
[%6 test=* yes=* no=*]
=/ result $(formula test.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.result) result
?+ product.result
[%2 trace]
%& $(formula yes.formula)
%| $(formula no.formula)
[%7 subject=* next=*]
=/ subject $(formula subject.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.subject) subject
%= $
subject product.subject
formula next.formula
[%8 head=* next=*]
=/ head $(formula head.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.head) head
%= $
subject [product.head subject]
formula next.formula
[%9 axis=@ core=*]
=/ core $(formula core.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.core) core
=/ arm (frag axis.formula product.core)
?~ arm [%2 trace]
%= $
subject product.core
formula u.arm
[%10 [axis=@ value=*] target=*]
?: =(0 axis.formula) [%2 trace]
=/ target $(formula target.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.target) target
=/ value $(formula value.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.value) value
=/ mutant=(unit *)
(edit axis.formula product.target product.value)
?~ mutant [%2 trace]
[%0 u.mutant]
[%11 tag=@ next=*]
=/ next $(formula next.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.next) next
:- %0
.* subject
[11 tag.formula 1 product.next]
[%11 [tag=@ clue=*] next=*]
=/ clue $(formula clue.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.clue) clue
=/ next
=? trace
?=(?(%hunk %hand %lose %mean %spot) tag.formula)
[[tag.formula product.clue] trace]
$(formula next.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.next) next
:- %0
.* subject
[11 [tag.formula 1 product.clue] 1 product.next]
[%12 ref=* path=*]
=/ ref $(formula ref.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.ref) ref
=/ path $(formula path.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.path) path
=/ result (scry product.ref product.path)
?~ result
[%1 product.path]
?~ u.result
[%2 [%hunk product.ref product.path] trace]
[%0 u.u.result]
++ frag
|= [axis=@ noun=*]
^- (unit)
?: =(0 axis) ~
|- ^- (unit)
?: =(1 axis) `noun
?@ noun ~
=/ pick (cap axis)
%= $
axis (mas axis)
noun ?-(pick %2 -.noun, %3 +.noun)
++ edit
|= [axis=@ target=* value=*]
^- (unit)
?: =(1 axis) `value
?@ target ~
=/ pick (cap axis)
=/ mutant
%= $
axis (mas axis)
target ?-(pick %2 -.target, %3 +.target)
?~ mutant ~
?- pick
%2 `[u.mutant +.target]
%3 `[-.target u.mutant]


> (mink [20 [4 0 1]] ,~)
[%0 product=21]
> (mink [[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]] ,~)
[%0 product=[14 15]]
> (mink [42 12 [0 1] [1 73]] |=(a=^ ``(add (,[@ @] a))))
[%0 product=115]
> (mink [0 12 [1 0] [1 0]] |=(* ~))
[%1 block=0]
> (mink [42 0 2] ,~)
[%2 trace=~]


Compute formula on subject with hint

Produces a toon, which is either a sucessful, blocked, or crashed result. If nock 11 is invoked, gul computes on the subject and produces a (unit (unit)) result. An empty result becomes a %1 tune, indicating a block.


sub is the subject as a noun.

fol is the formula as a noun.

gul is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 11.


The unit of a noun.


++ mock
|= [[sub=* fol=*] gul=$-(^ (unit (unit)))]
(mook (mink [sub fol] gul))


> (mock [5 4 0 1] ,~)
[%0 p=6]
> (mock [0 12 [0 1] [0 1]] |=(* ``999))
[%0 p=999]
> (mock [42 12 [0 1] [0 1]] |=(* ~))
[%1 p=42]
> (mock [42 0 2] ,~)
[%2 p=~]


Intelligently render crash annotation

Converts a %2 tone nock stack trace to a list of tank. Each may be a tank, cord, spot, or trapped tank.


ton is a tone.


A toon.


++ mook
|= ton=tone
^- toon
?. ?=([%2 *] ton)
|^ [%2 (turn skip rend)]
++ skip
^+ trace.ton
=/ yel (lent trace.ton)
?. (gth yel 1.024) trace.ton
%+ weld
(scag 512 trace.ton)
^+ trace.ton
:_ (slag (sub yel 512) trace.ton)
:- %lose
(crip "[skipped {(scow %ud (sub yel 1.024))} frames]")
:: +rend: raw stack frame to tank
:: $% [%hunk ref=* path] :: failed scry ([~ ~])
:: [%lose cord] :: skipped frames
:: [%hand *] :: mug any
:: [%mean $@(cord (trap tank))] :: ~_ et al
:: [%spot spot] :: source location
:: ==
++ rend
|= [tag=@ta dat=*]
^- tank
?+ tag
leaf+"mook.{(rip 3 tag)}"
?@ dat leaf+"mook.hunk"
=/ sof=(unit path) ((soft path) +.dat)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.hunk"
(smyt u.sof)
?^ dat leaf+"mook.lose"
leaf+(rip 3 dat)
leaf+(scow %p (mug dat))
?@ dat leaf+(rip 3 dat)
=/ mac (mack dat -.dat)
?~ mac leaf+"####"
=/ sof ((soft tank) u.mac)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.mean"
=/ sof=(unit spot) ((soft spot) dat)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.spot"
:+ %rose [":" ~ ~]
:~ (smyt p.u.sof)
=* l p.q.u.sof
=* r q.q.u.sof
=/ ud |=(a=@u (scow %ud a))
leaf+"<[{(ud p.l)} {(ud q.l)}].[{(ud p.r)} {(ud q.r)}]>"


> (mook [%0 5 4 5 1])
[%0 p=[5 4 5 1]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%hunk %rose ["<" "," ">"] ~[[%leaf "err"]]]]])
[%2 p=~[[%leaf p="mook.hunk"]]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%mean |.(>(add 5 6)<)]]])
[%2 p=~[[%leaf p="11"]]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%spot /b/repl [1 1]^[1 2]] [%mean |.(!!)]]])
[ %2
[ %rose
p=[p=":" q="" r=""]
[ i
[ %rose
p=[p="/" q="/" r=""]
q=[i=[%leaf p="b"] t=[i=[%leaf p="repl"] t=~]]
t=[i=[%leaf p="<[1 1].[1 2]>"] t=~]
[%leaf p="####"]


Typed unitary virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its result in a unit if successful, or a null unit if it crashed. Unitized version of ++mule.


tap is a trap.


A (unit *), where the * will be the type produced by the expression.


++ mole
~/ %mole
|* tap=(trap)
^- (unit _$:tap)
=/ mur (mure tap)
?~(mur ~ `$:tap)


> (mole |.(`@t`(add 50 47)))
[~ 'a']
> (mole |.(~|('Error!' !!)))


Slam gate with sample

Produces a toon computation result from slamming gat with sam, using gul to compute or block on nock 11 when applicable.


gat is a noun that is generally a gate.

sam is a sample noun.

gul is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 11.


A toon.


++ mong
|= [[gat=* sam=*] gul=$-(^ (unit (unit)))]
^- toon
?. ?=([* ^] gat) [%2 ~]
(mock [gat(+< sam) %9 2 %0 1] gul)


> (mong [|=(@ 20) ~] ,~)
[%0 p=20]
> (mong [|=(@ !!) ~] ,~)
[%2 p=~]
> (mong [|=(a=@ (add 20 a)) ~] ,~)
[%0 p=20]
> (mong [|=(a=[@ @] (add 20 -.a)) ~] ,~)
[%2 p=~]
> (mong [|=(a=[@ @] (add 20 -.a)) [4 6]] ,~)
[%0 p=24]
> (mong [|=(a=@ .^(* a)) 99] |=(^ ``+<))
[%0 p=[[140 1.853.189.998] 99]]
> (mong [|=(a=@ .^(@ a)) 99] |=([* a=*] ``+((,@ a))))
[%0 p=100]


Typed virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its results or any errors that occur along the way. Used to lazily compute stack traces.


tap is a trap, generally producing a list of tanks.


An (each * (list tank)) - %.y indicates success and %.n indicates a crash.


++ mule
~/ %mule
|* tap=(trap)
=/ mud (mute tap)
?- -.mud
%& [%& p=$:tap]
%| [%| p=p.mud]


> (mule |.((add 1 1)))
[%.y p=2]
> (mule |.(~|(%error !!)))
[%.n p=~[[%leaf p="%error"]]]


Untyped unitary virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its results in a unit which is null if it crashed. The result is just a noun, no type information is preserved.


A trap.


A (unit *).


++ mure
|= tap=(trap)
^- (unit)
=/ ton (mink [tap %9 2 %0 1] |=((pair) ``.*(~ [%12 1+p 1+q])))
?.(?=(%0 -.ton) ~ `product.ton)


> (mure |.(~|(%error !!)))
> (mure |.((add 1 1)))
[~ 2]
> (mure |.('foo'))
[~ 7.303.014]
> ((unit @t) (mure |.('foo')))
[~ 'foo']


Untyped virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its result as a noun or the tanks of any error that occurs. Similar to ++mule, but preserves no type information.


tap is a trap.


A (each * (list tank)), where %.y indicates success and %.n indicates failure.


++ mute
|= tap=(trap)
^- (each * (list tank))
=/ ton (mock [tap %9 2 %0 1] |=((pair) ``.*(~ [%12 1+p 1+q])))
?- -.ton
%0 [%& p.ton]
%1 =/ sof=(unit path) ((soft path) p.ton)
[%| ?~(sof leaf+"mute.hunk" (smyt u.sof)) ~]
%2 [%| p.ton]


> (mute |.(leaf+"hello"))
[%.y p=[1.717.658.988 104 101 108 108 111 0]]
> (mute |.(!!))
[%.n p=~]
> (mute |.(~|(%error !!)))
[%.n p=~[[%leaf p="%error"]]]
> (mute |.((cat 3 'foo' 'bar')))
[%.y p=125.762.588.864.358]


Slam a gate on a sample using raw nock, untyped

Slam gat with sam. Uses a raw .* nock expression internally and does not preserve type information for the result. This will crash if evaluation crashes.


> (slum |=([a=@ b=@] (add a b)) [7 9])
> (slum (cury cat 3) ['foo' 'bar'])
> (@t (slum (cury cat 3) ['foo' 'bar']))
> (slum |=(* !!) 42)
dojo: hoon expression failed


Virtual clam

Clam (mold) noun fud with mold han, producing a unit of the result. The unit is null if clamming failed. This is curried, so the soft-clamming gate can be stored and called repeatedly.


han is a mold.

fud is a noun.


A (unit *), where the * will be the type produced by the mold.


++ soft
|* han=$-(* *)
|=(fud=* (mole |.((han fud))))


> ((soft @t) 97)
[~ 'a']
> ((soft @t) [1 2])
> ((soft ,[@ux @ux]) ['a' 'b'])
[~ [0x61 0x62]]