Water Towers

Challenge: Water between Towers

In a two-dimensional world, we begin with a bar-chart, or rows of unit-width 'towers' of arbitrary height. Then it rains, completely filling all convex enclosures in the chart with water.

9 ██ 9 ██
8 ██ 8 ██
7 ██ ██ 7 ██≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈██
6 ██ ██ ██ 6 ██≈≈██≈≈≈≈██
5 ██ ██ ██ ████ 5 ██≈≈██≈≈██≈≈████
4 ██ ██ ████████ 4 ██≈≈██≈≈████████
3 ██████ ████████ 3 ██████≈≈████████
2 ████████████████ ██ 2 ████████████████≈≈██
1 ████████████████████ 1 ████████████████████

Your task for this challenge is to write a generator water-towers. It will take as input a (list @ud), with each number representing the height of a tower from left to right. It will output a @ud representing the units of water that can be contained within the structure.

Example usage:

> +water-towers [5 3 7 2 6 4 5 9 1 2 ~]

Unit Tests

Following a principle of test-driven development, we compose a series of tests which allow us to rigorously check for expected behavior.

/+ *test
/= water-towers /gen/water-towers
++ test-01
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`2
!> (water-towers [1 5 3 7 2 ~])
++ test-02
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`14
!> (water-towers [5 3 7 2 6 4 5 9 1 2 ~])
++ test-03
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`35
!> (water-towers [2 6 3 5 2 8 1 4 2 2 5 3 5 7 4 1 ~])
++ test-04
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`0
!> (water-towers [5 5 5 5 ~])
++ test-05
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`0
!> (water-towers [5 6 7 8 ~])
++ test-06
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`0
!> (water-towers [8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 ~])
++ test-07
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`0
!> (water-towers [0 1 6 7 10 7 6 1 0 ~])
++ test-08
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`0
!> (water-towers [100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~])
++ test-09
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`7
!> (water-towers [100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~])
++ test-10
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`50
!> (water-towers [10 0 0 0 0 0 10 ~])
++ test-11
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`4
!> (water-towers [8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 ~])
++ test-12
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`40
!> (water-towers [0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 ~])


These solutions were submitted by the Urbit community as part of a competition in ~2023.6. They are made available under the MIT License and CC0. We ask you to acknowledge authorship should you utilize these elsewhere.

Solution #1

By ~dannul-bortux. A model for literate programming in Hoon.

:: A gate for computing volume of water collected between towers.
:: Take a list (of type list @ud), with each value representing the height of
:: a tower from left to right. Outputs a @ud representing the units of water
:: that can be contained within the structure.
:: Our approach involves calculating the total volume of rainfall or water by
:: aggregating the water volume from each tower location. For a specific
:: tower location. water volume is determined by subtracting the “height”
:: of the tower with maximum rainfall (“total height with water”) from the
:: height of the tower alone. Tower heights are given by corresponding values
:: in the input list.
:: The “total height with water” at a location is determined by the height of
:: surrounding boundary towers within our structure. Each tower location will
:: have at most two boundary towers: one boundary tower on either side (left
:: and right). The left boundary tower is defined as the highest tower to the
:: left of our specified tower location. The right boundary tower is defined
:: as the highest tower to the right of our specified tower location. The
:: value of “total height with water” at a location is equal to the lesser of
:: the two boundary tower heights (the minimum of the left boundary tower
:: height vs. right boundary tower height). When less than two boundary
:: towers are present, the “total height with water” is equal to the height
:: of the tower itself because no water can be contained without boundaries.
|= inlist=(list @ud)
^- @ud
:: If, input list is empty
?: =(0 (lent inlist))
:: Then, throw error
~| 'Error - input list cannot be empty'
=< (compute-totalvol inlist)
:: +compute-totalvol: Gets total volume of water by summing water at each
:: individual location.
:: Moves left to right iterating over each location (index in list).
:: Determines waterfall at each location and aggregates all waterfall to
:: find and return total volume.
++ compute-totalvol
|= [n=(list @ud)]
^- @ud
:: i is face for iterating over all index/locations
=/ i 0
:: tot is face for aggregating volume of water
=/ tot 0
:: If, we're at end of input list
?: =(i (lent n))
:: then, return total
:: else, compute water volume at current index, add to total, and increment i
%= $
tot (add tot (compute-indvol i n))
i +(i)
:: +compute-indvol: Computes volume at an individual location.
:: Computes volume at an individual location (index in input list) by
:: subtracting tower height from “total height with water”. “Total height
:: with water” will be determined at a particular location by the height of
:: “boundary towers” for that location.
++ compute-indvol
|= [loc=@ud n=(list @ud)]
^- @ud
(sub (compute-waterheight loc n) (snag loc `(list @ud)`n))
:: +compute-waterheight: Measures the “total height with water” at a specified
:: index/location.
:: “Total height with water” at a particular location is measured using the
:: heights (value) at the left and right boundary towers. The lesser of these
:: two values (left height vs right height) is equal to the “total height
:: with water” at our input location.
:: Right boundary tower is the tallest tower to the right of the location--
:: i.e. highest value (height) with higher index. The left boundary tower is
:: the tallest tower to the left of the location i.e. highest value (height)
:: with lower index.
:: The “find-boundaryheight” arm iterates left to right and works for
:: measuring height of the right boundary tower. For the left boundary tower
:: we can use a mirror approach. We reverse the input list and adjust the
:: input index accordinglyto move right-to-left.
:: In the case where no right or left boundary tower exists, our
:: “find-boundaryheight” arm will return the tower height at our current
:: index (indicating no water present) and we correctly compute 0 water
:: volume in our compute-indvol arm.
++ compute-waterheight
|= [loc=@ud n=(list @ud)]
^- @ud
:: rbth is a face for our "right boundary tower height" computed using our
:: "find-boundaryheight" arm moving left to right
=/ rbth (find-boundaryheight loc n)
:: lbth is a face for our "right boundary tower height" computed using our
:: "find-boundaryheight" arm moving (mirrored) right to left
=/ lbth (find-boundaryheight (sub (lent n) +(loc)) (flop n))
:: If, right boundary tower height is less than left boundary tower height,
?: (lth rbth lbth)
:: then, return right boundary tower height
:: else, return left boundary tower height
:: +find-boundaryheight: Computes the height of the highest tower to the right
:: of the input location
:: Moves left to right starting at input location until the end of input
:: list. Tracks height of each tower location with a height greater than
:: height at corresponding input location.
++ find-boundaryheight
|= [loc=@ud n=(list @ud)]
^- @ud
:: i is face used to iterate over input list starting one past input index
=/ i +(loc)
:: bheight is face used to measure boundary tower heights--i.e. any tower
:: heights greater than height at input location. At start, bheight is set to
:: input location height. If no greater heights are found, input location
:: height is returned (indicating no higher boundary towers found).
=/ bheight (snag loc n)
:: If, we are at the end of our input
?: (gte i (lent n))
:: then, return boundary tower height
:: else, if current tower height is greater than currently stored boundary
:: tower height, replace boundary tower height. Incr iteration idx.
%= $
bheight ?: (gth (snag i n) bheight)
(snag i n)
i +(i)

Solution #2

By ~racfer-hattes. A short and elegant solution.

++ go
|= [current=@ud previous=(list @ud) next=(list @ud)]
=/ left-peak (roll previous max)
=/ right-peak (roll next max)
=/ min-peak (min left-peak right-peak)
=/ water-level
?: (lth min-peak current) 0
(sub min-peak current)
?~ next water-level
(add water-level $(current i.next, next t.next, previous [current previous]))
|= xs=(list @ud)
?~ xs 0
%- go [i.xs ~ t.xs]

Solution #3

By ~dozreg-toplud. Another very literate and clean solution.

:: +water-towers: a solution to the HSL challenge #1
:: https://github.com/tamlut-modnys/template-hsl-water-towers
:: Takes a (list @ud) of tower heights, returns the number of the units of
:: water that can be held in the given structure.
|= towers=(list @ud)
^- @ud
:: x, y are horizontal and vertical axes
=| water-counter=@ud
=/ x-last-tower=@ud (dec (lent towers))
=/ y-highest-tower=@ud (roll towers max)
:: iterate along y axis from y=0
=/ y=@ud 0
^- @ud
:: if, y > max(towers)
?: (gth y y-highest-tower)
:: then, return water-counter
:: else, iterate along x axis from x=1
=/ x=@ud 1
^- @ud
:: if, x = x(last tower)
?: =(x x-last-tower)
:: then, go to the next y
^$(y +(y))
:: else, increment water-counter if the point [x y] is not occupied by a tower
:: and has towers to the left and right on the same y, after go to the next x
=? water-counter ?& (not-tower x y)
(has-tower-left x y)
(has-tower-right x y)
$(x +(x))
:: Core with helping functions
:: ++not-tower: returns %.y if the coordinate [x y] is free from a tower,
:: %.n if occupied.
++ not-tower
|= [x=@ud y=@ud]
^- ?
(gth y (snag x towers))
:: ++has-tower-left: returns %.y if there is a tower with height >= y to
:: the left from x, %.n otherwise. Enabled computation caching to only test
:: each point once.
++ has-tower-left
|= [x=@ud y=@ud]
^- ?
:: no towers to the left from the 0th tower
?: =(x 0)
:: check recursively to the left
?| (gte (snag (dec x) towers) y)
$(x (dec x))
:: ++has-tower-right: returns %.y if there is a tower with height >= y to
:: the right from x, %.n otherwise. Enabled computation caching to only test
:: each point once.
++ has-tower-right
|= [x=@ud y=@ud]
^- ?
:: no towers to the right from the last tower
?: =(x (dec (lent towers)))
:: check recursively to the right
?| (gte (snag +(x) towers) y)
$(x +(x))