10. Scries

In this lesson we'll look at scrying agents, as well as how agents handle such scries. If you're not at all familiar with performing scries in general, have a read through the Scry Guide, as well as the dotket rune documentation.


A scry is a read-only request to Arvo's global namespace. Vanes and agents define scry endpoints which allow data to be requested from their states. The endpoints can process the data in any way before returning it, but they cannot alter the actual state - scries can only read, not modify.

Gall itself defines some special vane-level endpoints as described in its scry reference, but most scries to Gall are routed to particular agents and handled by them instead. Agent scries are what we'll focus on here.

Scries are performed with the dotket (.^) rune. Here's a summary of their format:

scry summary diagram

A note on cares: Cares are most carefully implemented by Clay, where they specify submodules and have tightly defined behaviors. For Gall agents, most of these don't have any special behavior, and are just used to indicate the general kind of data produced by the endpoint, with the exception of the %x care:


Gall handles %x specially, and expects an extra field at the end of the path that specifies the mark to return. Gall will take the data produced by the specified endpoint and try to convert it to the given mark, crashing if the mark conversion fails. The extra field specifying the mark is not passed through to the agent itself. Here's a couple of examples:

> =store -build-file /=landscape=/sur/graph-store/hoon
> .^(update:store %gx /=graph-store=/keys/noun)
[p=~2021.11.18..10.50.41..c914 q=[%keys resources={[entity=~zod name=%dm-inbox]}]]
> (crip (en-json:html .^(json %gx /=graph-store=/keys/json)))

The majority of Gall agents simply take %x cares in their scry endpoints, but in principle it's possible for a Gall agent to define a scry endpoint that takes any one of the cares listed in the diagram above. An agent's scry endpoints are defined in its on-peek arm, which we'll look at next.

Handling scries

When a scry is performed on a Gall agent, Gall will strip out some extraneous parts, and deliver it to the agent's on-peek arm as a path. The path will only have two components from the diagram above: The care and the path. For example, a scry of .^(update:store %gx /=graph-store=/keys/noun) will come into the on-peek arm of %graph-store as /x/keys.

The on-peek arm produces a (unit (unit cage)). The reason for the double unit is that Arvo interprets ~ to mean the scry path couldn't be resolved, and interprets [~ ~] to means it resolved to nothing. In either case the dotket expression which initiated the scry will crash. The cage will contain the actual data to return.

An ordinary on-peek arm, therefore, begins like so:

++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))

Typically, you'd handle the path similarly to on-watch, as we discussed in the lesson on subscriptions. You'd use something like a wutlus expression to test the value of the path, defining your scry endpoints like so:

?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %some %path ~] ....
[%x %foo ~] ....
[%x %blah @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)

Each endpoint would then compose the (unit (unit cage)). The simplest way to format it is like:

``noun+!>('some data')

If it requires a more complex expression to retrieve or compose the data, you can do something like:

:^ ~ ~ %some-mark
!> ^- some-type
:+ 'foo'

Previously we discussed custom mark files. Such mark files are most commonly used when the data might be accessed through Eyre's HTTP API, and therefore required JSON conversion methods. We cover such things separately in the Full-Stack Walkthrough, but note that if that's the case for your agent, you may wish to also have your scry endpoints return data with your custom mark so it can easily be converted to JSON when accessed from the web.

In some cases, typically with scry paths that contain wildcards like the [%x %blah @ ~] example above, your agent may not always be able to find the requested data. In such cases, you can just produce a cell of [~ ~] for the (unit (unit cage)). Keep in mind, however, that this will result in a crash for the dotket expression which initiated the scry. In some cases you may want that, but in other cases you may not, so instead you could wrap the data inside the vase in a unit and have that be null instead. It all depends on the needs of your particular application and its clients.


Here's a simple example agent with three scry endpoints:


Click to expand

/+ default-agent, dbug
+$ versioned-state
$% state-0
+$ state-0 [%0 data=(map @p @t)]
+$ card card:agent:gall
%- agent:dbug
=| state-0
=* state -
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %.n) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
++ on-save
^- vase
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=/ old !<(versioned-state old-state)
?- -.old
%0 `this(state old)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> =(src.bowl our.bowl)
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
`this(data (~(put by data) !<([@p @t] vase)))
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %all ~] ``noun+!>(data)
[%x %has @ ~]
=/ who=@p (slav %p i.t.t.path)
``noun+!>(`?`(~(has by data) who))
[%x %get @ ~]
=/ who=@p (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ maybe-res (~(get by data) who)
?~ maybe-res
[~ ~]
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def

The agent's on-poke arm takes a cell of [@p @t] and saves it in the agent's state, which contains a (map @p @t) called data. The on-peek arm is:

++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %all ~] ``noun+!>(data)
[%x %has @ ~]
=/ who=@p (slav %p i.t.t.path)
``noun+!>(`?`(~(has by data) who))
[%x %get @ ~]
=/ who=@p (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ maybe-res (~(get by data) who)
?~ maybe-res
[~ ~]

It defines three scry endpoints, all using a %x care: /x/all, /x/has/[ship], and /x/get/[ship]. The first will simply return the entire (map @p @t) in the agent's state. The second will check whether the given ship is in the map and produce a ?. The third will produce the @t for the given @p if it exists in the map, or else return [~ ~] to indicate the data doesn't exist, producing a crash in the dotket expression.

Let's try it out. Save the agent above as /app/peeker.hoon in the %base desk, |commit %base and start the agent with |rein %base [& %peeker].

First, let's add some data to the map:

> :peeker [~zod 'foo']
> :peeker [~nut 'bar']
> :peeker [~wet 'baz']

Now if we use dbug to inspect the state, we'll see the data has been added:

> {[p=~wet q='baz'] [p=~nut q='bar'] [p=~zod q='foo']}
> :peeker +dbug [%state %data]

Next, let's try the /x/all scry endpoint:

> .^((map @p @t) %gx /=peeker=/all/noun)
{[p=~wet q='baz'] [p=~nut q='bar'] [p=~zod q='foo']}

The /x/has/[ship] endpoint:

> .^(? %gx /=peeker=/has/~zod/noun)
> .^(? %gx /=peeker=/has/~wet/noun)
> .^(? %gx /=peeker=/has/~nes/noun)

And finally, the /x/get/[ship] endpoint:

> .^(@t %gx /=peeker=/get/~zod/noun)
> .^(@t %gx /=peeker=/get/~wet/noun)

We'll now try scrying for a ship that doesn't exist in the map. Note that due to a bug at the time of writing, the resulting crash will wipe the dojo's subject, so don't try this if you've got anything pinned there that you want to keep.

~zod:dojo> .^(@t %gx /=peeker=/get/~nes/noun)


  • Scries are read-only requests to vanes or agents which can be done inside any code, during its evaluation.
  • Scries are performed with the dotket (.^) rune.
  • Scries will fail if the scry endpoint does not exist, the requested data does not exist, or the data does not nest in the return type specified.
  • Scries can only be performed on the local ship, not on remote ships.
  • Gall scries with an agent name in the desk field and without an extra empty element at the beginning of the path will be passed to that agent's on-peek arm for handling.
  • Gall scries with a %x care take a mark at the end of the scry path, telling Gall to convert the data returned by the scry endpoint to the mark specified.
  • The on-peek arm takes a path with the care in the head and the path part of the scry in the tail, like /x/some/path.
  • The on-peek arm produces a (unit (unit cage)). The outer unit is null if the scry endpoint does not exist, and the inner unit is null if the data does not exist.


  • Have a read through the Scry Guide.
  • Have a look at Gall's scry reference.
  • Have a read through the dotket rune documentation.
  • Run through the Example yourself if you've not done so already.
  • Try adding another scry endpoint to the peeker.hoon agent, which uses a wyt:by map function to produce the number of items in the data map.
  • Have a look through the on-peek arms of some other agents on your ship, and try performing some scries to some of the endpoints.